Dobos Károly Dániel:

1995–96   A one-year language course at the Damascus State University, Damascus, Syria, Scholarship of the Hungarian State

2008–2010  Grant of Excellence, awarded by the Rector of Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary.

2010    Grant of the National Culture Fund of the Hungarian State (NKA).

2011–2012     Literary Translators’ Grant of the Hungarian Book Foundation.

2012–2013     Grant of the National Culture Fund of the Hungarian State (NKA).

2013–2014     Richard Plaschka Research Fellowship, awarded by the Austrian  Federal Ministry of Science and Research (9-month fellowship).

2014–2015     Richard Plaschka Research Fellowship, offered again (9-month fellowship), but declined due to receipt of research grant from the ÖNB (National Bank of Austria) Jubiläumsfonds (with Prof. Langer Gerhard).

2014–2017     Research grant from the ÖNB (National Bank of Austria) Jubiläumsfonds (with Prof. Langer Gerhard, University of Vienna) for the project entitled “Jacob in the Tent of Esau: Early Modern Jewish–Christian Polemics as Means of the Acculturation and Modernization of the Jewish Community. A new approach to a hitherto neglected corpus of texts, produced in the Northern Italian Duchies of the Habsburg Empire in the 17th–18th centuries” (100.000 Euros).

2017/ 01        Grant from the Spalding Trust for the organization of the international conference entitled “Can Polemics Innovate? Change and Continuity in Jewish–Christian Polemics from Late Antiquity to Modernity”, held at the University of Vienna on November 14 - 15, 2017 (1700£).

2018/01-09    Richard Plaschka Fellowship, awarded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (9-month fellowship).

2020/03      Travel grant from the Spalding Trust (950 £), declined because the conference in Claremont, CA USA was canceled due to the coronavirus infection.

2020/ 05      Research Fellowship from the Aktion Österreich-Ungarn, 1-month fellowship to Austria, postponed due to the coronavirus epidemic.

2023/ 05     Research Fellowship from the Aktion Österreich-Ungarn, 1-month fellowship to Austria), obtained but declined, as I was simultaneously engaged in teaching activities in Austria

2024/ 02      Research Fellowship from the Exzellenzcluster “Religion und Politik” of the WWU University of Münster, Scholarship for Academics (1-month stay in Germany).

2024/ 05      Research Fellowship from the Exzellenzcluster “Religion und Politik” of the WWU University of Münster, Scholarship for Academics (1-month stay in Germany).

2024/ 07     Research Fellowship from the Aktion Österreich-Ungarn, 1-month fellowship to Austria),

2024/ 09 – 2025/ 02    Research Fellowship from the Exzellenzcluster “Religion und Politik” of the WWU University of Münster, Scholarship for Academics (6-month stay in Germany).